Before moving to the north east in October '18, I had used neuro physiotherapy services in both the NHS and the private sector in Kent. Both had been excellent and I worried that I might not find the same level of care and expertise. My worries were unfounded.
Sue and her entire team at Optimise are outstanding. The balance between friendly banter and in-depth knowledge means that I get the treatment I need in a welcoming and warm environment. My principal therapist is Catherine Birkett. Her detailed knowledge of neuro physiotherapy combined with her naturally friendly demeanor means that I eagerly look forward to my twice weekly sessions and I am quite sad when the allotted times end. She has a way of challenging me to get better which, (I hope) I respond to.
Robert Watts, July 2019
Everybody at Optimise Neurotherapy has been brilliant! In 2014 I was involved in a cycling accident which caused a brain injury, leaving me with dysphagia, the inability to speak and no movement on my left side. I am now back on the bike a year after the accident and with lots of things to thank Optimise for! The physiotherapy provided by Sue Raine and Catherine Birkett is absolutely top class and their enthusiastic approach sets it apart from other services. It also really helps to have a service that aims to get you back to your previous self (and more!), which in my case is a racing cyclist.
Ben Honeysett, April 2015
Having suffered a severe stroke in July 2012 and following discharge of a 3 month stay in hospital, where I was left without the use of my right hand side, I have worked with the Physiotherapists at Optimise since January 2013.
I once believed that it was doubtful that I would ever regain the use of right arm and hand. When I first started working with the therapists at Optimise I was unable to lift my arm away from my side. With the help, encouragement and expertise of the therapists at Optimise I am now able to lift my arm and use my hand to wash my hair when I shower which is something I once took for granted. Through time, my energy and strength levels have increased somewhat and I am able to work 3 times a week at Optimise whereby I am constantly improving with their varied programmes
David Fulton, April 2015
When I came up [to visit my grandmother], I couldn't believe how she helped feed herself – thrilling! I liked the way she sometimes takes control of the spoon. And I was very excited that she could get her fingers into gloves. Her leg seemed much straighter, too. She seemed overwhelmingly calm and content, the most content she’s been since her stroke in 2011. A massive improvement, so thank you so much. Most of all, there’s the prospect of some improvement in her life, rather than just the expected downward spiral. I think it’s cheered everyone up, including her. Many of her carers mentioned the big improvement they've seen: you managed to win them over.
I wish I’d realised a year ago what could be done( she would have had an even better year), and I wish more people knew what can be done.
Ruth Brown, January 2013
My life changed dramatically 10 years ago since my car accident whereby I suffered severe head injuries. I was unconscious for 3 weeks and on a life support machine for 3 days. I was unable to walk or sit unaided by myself. Sue Raine was my physiotherapist whom I saw on a daily basis. It has been a roller coaster ride but Sue kept me motivated throughout. During my sessions, we had a laugh and joke which kept my spirits up throughout this very difficult time in my life!
I am back at work full time and leading a ‘normal’ life. I do not have the words to fully describe my thanks and gratitude I have for Sue and her fantastic work!!!!!!
Nichola Burlison, Sep 2012
Optimise Neurotherapy Centre has changed my life. I first went to Optimise after having an appointment with my original NHS Senior Physiotherapist; but this appointment was quite different. Why ? Sue Raine was there, practicing physiotherapy using the Bobath concept (I later found out that Sue helped write the book on it literally). Admittedly, I was umming and arring about going private as I thought my original NHS physiotherapist was amazing in themselves. But after 1 hour at Optimise Neurotherapy Centre, I knew what i needed to do, i needed to see Sue Raine from then on.
I suffered a right sided hemiparesis as a result of my accident, but Optimise Neurotherapy Centre has helped me gain the best life that is possible. From Physiotherapy, which got me to walk, go up and down stairs and gave me the knowledge of what I needed to do to help myself; to Clinical Psychology, which helped me understand my brain injury and how I have turned out like this.
'What is the best thing about Optimise?' - Its the fact that you get the most incredible people, who do their jobs, incredibly. My life would be nothing without Optimise.
Gary McConnell, March 2012
My wife has seen many different physiotherapists over the last 5 years since her life-changing car accident. Sue Raine was a super find. Her Bobath approach makes her stand out from others and frankly puts her in a different league to most physiotherapists we have experienced. Her sense of humour and style of encouragement would get the best out of any client. The proof is in the pudding of course and what speaks volumes is how far my wife has come on since she has had 21 sessions with Sue. 3 years with regular visits to a "normal" Physio couldn't match the progress she has made with Sue in the last few weeks. That says it all !! We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sue to others.
David and Karen Pollard, September 2010
I came to Sue in December 2008, after suffering a spinal cord compression injury at L2. At that stage, I was paralised in both legs, and unable to walk. From the first session, Sue used a combination of persuation, exhortation, explanation and friendly coercion to get me using muscles again and exercising. Over the following 18 months, regular sessions with Sue kept me on track towards regaining function. She was able to help me stretch my contracted thigh muscles, and give me graduated exercises until I could start walking with orthotics. She kept my moral up with humour, but also made sure that I knew it was up to me to progress. I believe that the fact that as of September 2010 I can walk around my office on crutches, and hope eventually to relegate my wheelchair to part time use, is considerably due to her patient support and advice. I would recommend Sue to anyone as a skilled, intelligent and humane therapist.
Tom Shakespeare, Academic and International Civil Servant, September 2010
I have worked with Sue for 9 years. She is a fantastic, dedicated and highly skilled neuro-physiotherapist with an extensive knowledge base that allows her to treat and progress patients to a high standard. She will assess and treat all patients as individuals based on their own goals and presentation. She is able to form an excellent rapport with all patients making Physio fun, which is vital in anyone’s physical progression. From a professional viewpoint Sue is also a great teacher to both professionals and non-professionals and I continue to aspire to be this gifted.
Advanced Physiotherapist, September 2010
With a wealth of experience in the field of neurological physiotherapy over 18 years, Sue Raine is a dedicated, creative and highly effective therapist with advanced skills. She fully engages with her clients to ensure that therapeutic intervention is focused on achievement of functional goals and improvement of quality of life. She is analytical in her ability to assess the presenting problems, clear in her description of them and what can or cannot be done and remarkable in her treatment. She strives to continually improve her and others knowledge of neurological issues in order to highlight the issues faced by individuals to the wider world. An outstanding physiotherapist.
Advanced Occupational Therapy Practitioner, September 2010
As a specialist neuro physiotherapist myself, it is exciting and stimulating to work with, and learn from, someone of Sue's calibre. She has a unique ability to use her humour and interpersonal skills to create an instant rapport with any client, and is able to use any environment creatively in order to ensure that therapy is relevant, engaging and fun. Few therapists have her theoretical knowledge and understanding combined with therapeutic skill of the highest level. She is an inspiration!!
Advanced Physiotherapist September 2010
Having previously worked with Sue for many years, I greatly admire her dedication to neurological physiotherapy. She has exceptional handling skills and an excellent level of knowledge. She always strives to provide the best possible care and treatment, often working with her patients in an innovative and dynamic way, in order to achieve their optimum potential.
Not only is Sue very committed to patient treatment but also to the educational development of herself and others. She is well respected nationally as a Bobath Tutor, training qualified physiotherapists throughout the country in the Bobath concept, she has presented at international conferences, made a significant contribution to a book on the Bobath concept, as well as writing several journal articles. Sue Raine is the physiotherapist most of us aspire to be!
Advanced Physiotherapist October 2010
Sue is an excellent neurophysiotherapist who is an experienced professional, and in my opinion an expert in her field. Her patients will receive dedicated, expert therapy from someone who strives to enable them to achieve their full potential and rehabilitation goals. She works well with all disciplines involved in rehabilitation, and is always focused upon the patient ensuring that their care, therapy and rehabilitation are second to none.
She is able work closely with individuals, motivate them and help them to realise their goals.
Consultant in Neurorehabilitation October 2010
Sue was an inspiration to the group. She was confident, easy to approach and very knowledgeable. As a relatively new practitioner to neuro-rehab I was really struggling with how to help our patients move in a therapeutic and safe way. The Introduction to the Bobath Concept course helped me to build confidence in assessing and handling patients therapeutically. I now look at movement in a completely different way and have a better understanding of how to assess and treat patients with a range of neurological conditions. It's so important to gain a foundation of knowledge upon which to build and Sue was able to deliver this whilst having fun too!
Senior Occupational Therapist October 2010
Feedback from a Selection of Introductory Bobath Courses
Thanks for the three weekends. I feel that you have changed how I approach facilitating patients and problem solving greatly.
Excellent – brought all aspects together.
I have learnt many new skills for assessment and treatment and have been able to apply them to practice. I have thoroughly enjoyed the 3 weekends. The course content was excellent and totally transferable to practice. Thank you Sue for making the course so enjoyable and providing me with so many, many new skills. You are a fantastic teacher! You have given me a lot more confidence.
Excellent concise content and very well delivered. Enjoyed entire course.
Overall the past 3 sessions have been brilliant. Very hands on and clearly described. It has given me a good base, to base my clinical practice on.
Very interesting and relevant to practice.
Excellent to put theory into practice.
Well presented. Helped me develop a clear understanding of normal anatomy and neurophysiology and problems which may affect rehab. Thank you.
It's one of the few courses which actually increases knowledge rather than just awareness.
Very good to observe theory into practice.
Really enjoyed all three courses. Handling and facilitation practicals were great for learning and getting feedback. Workshops were good for clinical reasoning. Thank you Sue you've got a great teaching style...it's been fun!
Final thought of the weekend – please clone Sue and make her pocket size and ask Santa to send me one for Christmas! More than good – AMAZING!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the three modules, each have helped consolidate each other. Sue Raine is a really good tutor, and has made complex theories understandable and fun to learn. Many thanks.
Just wanted to say Sue is amazing. Really appreciated her fantastic explanations and handling skills - always linking back to clinical practice. Thank you!
The course exceeded all my expectations. Thank you for an interesting weekend! I learnt alot!
Thanks to Sue – very motivational and approachable. Content was 'exciting' due to her motivation.
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Call: 0191 413 4442
E-Mail: info@optimise-nc.com
Bobath Book
Sue Raine is Clinical Director of Optimise Neurotherapy